Monday 14 December 2015

This day 15th December’2015, We (Napungsak AAM AADMI Children of MOTHER-INDIA) are going to make the entire CIVIL SOCIETY of this PLANET EARTH proud by CELEBRATING “RAPIST DAY” (very much the way we celebrate Father’s Day or Mother”s Day) in INDIA by setting a RAPIST absolutely FREE whose perverted act of removing INTESTINE by hand thru rape victim’s private parts is also not REASON good enough for imposing QPA / CANNING in our 67 Yrs old ROTTEN IMPOTENT GOVERNANCE MODEL!!!

Finally, the D-Day has come when “RAPIST DAY” will be celebrated in India, thus giving a call to all JUVENILE RAPIST to continue enjoying their 67Yrs old  FREEDOM of RAPING (How can GANGRAPE at GUNPOINT for 15 Days followed by SHOOTING n DUMPING the Victim in a 30Ft well: our Mother  to Sister to 2yrs Old BABY GIRL while We (Napungsak AAM AADMI Children of MOTHER-INDIA) and our Great TRP-Hungry Media Honchos continue with our  9PM “GHORA KA ANDA” debate show (rather call it Media Trial!!) solving MAJOR ISSUES like GST to LAND bill to FDI to anything and everything
a meaningful debate
on necessity of imposing QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals!

If our 67Yrs old ROTTEN TOOTHLESS IMPOTENT GOVERNANCE MODEL fail to protect our Mother-India (right from 52Yrs old Nun to 2Yrs old baby girl); then what the HELL are we going to achieve with these so called development agenda like GST-FDI bla bla bla…..!!!

At this hour, what’s more important to pass in LS/RS?
Is it GST-Land Bill OR QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals
If answer is GST-Land Bill, then All we AAM AADMI can do on 15th Dec’2015 being “RAPIST DAY” : NAPUNGSAK AAM AADMI CHURIYAAN PAHENO aur DOOB MARO CHULLU BHAR PAANI MEIN: Is 67Yrs of AZADI not enough for we SPINELESS NAPUNGSAK children of  GANGRAPED MOTHER-INDIA to demand:!!

Whether we pass QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals in LS/RS instead of GST-Land Bill in next 67Yrs,
One thing is crystal clear that NO NATION ON EARTH IS AS TOLERANT AS INDIA simply because we even know how to HONOUR JUVENILE RAPIST and their PROUD ACT, be it removing human Intestine by hand thru private parts of rape victim or shooting n dumping rape victim in a 32ft well:
OR So what if 11Yr old Mother-India is GANG-RAPED by an entire community for 7 Months or So what if Mother-India get GANG-RAPED, THRASHED, PARADED NAKED after GANG-RAPE:
OR Just Another GANG-RAPE of 4-Month old Mother-India is not at all worth demanding CANNING as our Toothlesss Democracy does not allow such effective DETERRENT mechanism (as stated by one Lady Anchor); as Candle March, Death Penalty, Fast Track Trial good enough to act as DETERRENT against such heinous crime
simply because NIRBHAYA no longer considered as HEINOUS crime as per our DESHBHAKT Law-Makers as at the time of GANG-RAPE she was not a MINOR; Be thankful to our DESHBHAKT Law-Makers for RE-DEFINING GANG-RAPE of MOTHER-INDIA: ;

as if this was not enough,
the Greatest example of TOLERANCE is shown by none other than a 
special Govt. public prosecutor Sarbani Roy in Kolkata, who even after being a LADY, exposed her highest degree of TOLERANT attitude (for OBVIOUS REASONS that ACB should UNEARTH!!) by demanding minimum punishment for convicted GANGRAPE criminals instead of maximum punishment: ; Surely now nobody can afford to question our 71Yrs old TOLERANCE model

Still have doubt (after above act of TOLERANCE) as to why NATION need QPA on Highest Chairs of India and CANNING for Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast Criminals, IF HAVE, then even GOD CANNOT SAVE OUR Mother-India in next 67 Yrs!!

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