Tuesday 2 December 2014

Two BRAVE SISTERS from ROHTAK once again exposed how SPINELESS we AAM AADMI ARE and how TOOTHLESS, IMPOTENT our GOVERNANCE system is that FAILED to protect our mothers/sisters/wives dignity by imposing CANNING as an EFFECTIVE DETERRENT mechanism even after 67Yrs of Independence!!!

Two Flipsides got exposed in ROHTAK eve teasing event :
FIRST, those two BRAVE SISTERS proved how CANNING  can be an EFFECTIVE DETERRENT against all such crimes right from Rape/Acid attack/Bomb Blast/Communal Riot Criminals (if not on LOOTERAH NETAs) as 2 brave sisters NON-STOP hit those Eve-Teasers with a BELT which used as a substitute to CANNING which if imposed by Govt, these criminals will dare not do it again as after few strokes of CANE, they will not be able to walk straight at least for 7/15 Days;

SECOND, they exposed how TOOTHLESS, IMPOTENT our GOVERNANCE system is that could not impose CANNING
to protect our mothers/sisters/wives dignity even after 67 Yrs while SINGAPORE under LKY regime proved how CANNING can act as a DETERRENT to all such HEINOUS CRIMES that NO HARSHER punishment can achieve!!!

However, this event will also not create any impact on our LAW-MAKERS as at GRASS-ROOT level our GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs have better job to do which is GENERATE TRP rather than mobilizing demand for QPA and CANNING - this entire blog page is dedicated on this subject, hence no need to repeat them!!!

So HAPPY(!!!) we spineless AAM AADMI must be feeling after enjoying the eve-teasing event which is a most common event across India as compared to Rape/Acid attack/Burn Girl ALIVE if fail to RAPE/BURN RAPE VICTIM DEAD to destroy evidence and why the hell should we AAM AADMI protest against it when our NATION
1.     silently watch on 16/11 PROUD 6 INDIAN RAPIST BURNING a GIRL ALIVE because they FAILED TO RAPE HER: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/11/lets-commemorate-this-2611-day-by.html
2.     still asking status of a RAPE VICTIM AFTER GETTING RAPED FOR 40 DAYS BY 42 RAPIST, IS AWAITING JUSTICE FOR LAST 16 YEARS, READ BLOG URL : http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2013/01/are-we-not-ashamed-to-celebrate-our.html

Is there any doubt left for MEDIA HONCHOS to demand QPA and CANNING, the only MISSING TOOL in the existing IMPOTENT TOOTHLESS INDIAN GOVERNANCE???

Enough of FLIPKART journalism, its high time MEDIA HONCHOS wake up and help achieve LKY style CANNING from SINGAPORE which can effectively CREATE FEAR and act as a DETERRENT in the mindset of these criminals which can only happen after these Media Honchos highlight the effectiveness of CANNING by bringing this debate in their every evening open window session that fail to yield any result EXCEPT TRP!!!

If Critics say that CANNING IS BRUTAL then our answer is DEGREE OF BRUTALITY and HUMILIATION of RAPE/ACID ATTACK victims are much much more than what CANNING CAN INFLICT on these CRIMINALS committing such crimes!!!

Read Blog that already justified as to why CANNING is the biggest deterrent to all crimes, be it LOOT or RAPE or Bomb Blast or Communal Riot: http://rationale-jay.blogspot.in/2014/03/in-absence-of-qpa-and-canning-both.html

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