Friday 12 September 2014

67Yrs is TOO LITTLE TIME for any ruling Govt in INDIA to create a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM and neither MEDIA HONCHOs NOR any DESHBHAKT NETA ever thought of raising this topic in their FLIPKART SHOW every evening as they have to compete with each other for best coverage of DROUGHT/FLOOD Victims every year, be it in BIHAR or Maharashtra or ASSAM or UTTARAKHAND or KASHMIR!!!

Thanks to COMPULSION OF COALITION POLITICS that never bothered to create a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM which could have prevented such massive LOSS OF LIFE n PROPERTY every year!!!

It’s a shame on all ruling Govt (that ruled India ever since Independence) who never ever thought of creating a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM!!!

Nation spend Millions in rescue/relief operation every year for DROUGHT/FLOOD victims and MEDIA HONCHOs as usual compete with each other as to who gave the best coverage of massive destruction, be it in ASSAM or UTTARAKHAND or KASHMIR, without UTTERING A SINGLE WORD ON “DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM” which was initiated first time by Ex-PM Mr. A.B.Vajpayee with his dreamz of connecting the rivers but as usual this concept remained in files as Ministries and their Ministers had better things to do and became too busy LOOTING the nation, be it in 2G/Coalgate/CWG/Air India/Irrigation Scam (by taking advantage of missing QPA on Highest Chairs of India) which is of utmost priority as YLY DROUGHT/FLOOD COME and GO every year but chance of LOOTING the nation comes for JUST for 5YRS ONLY and that too with absolute AZADI for enjoying all free amenities right from LAUNDRY to GAS/WATER/ELECTRICITY to CAAAR:;

so what if AAM AADMI DIE and lose their property in
DROUGHT/FLOOD every year which they are destined to as its AAM AADMI ONLY WHO HAND OVER COUNTRY’S LEFT OPEN TIJORI TO NETAs AFTER ELECTION WITHOUT ANY CHECKS AND BALANCES (which is concept of “Minister-On-Probation”  and QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India ):!!!

Thus, 67Yrs old LOOT and GANGRAPE OF Indian Governance (FOR COMPULSION OF COALITION POLITICS) is ON and shall continue for next 67Yrs, THANKS TO OUR GREAT MEDIA HONCHOs (who will focus on some other issues once DROUGHT/FLOOD is over, as they did in KASHMIR/UTTARAKHAND) competing with each other for providing best coverage of Drought/Flood victims, but WILL shamelessly REMAIN SILENT on creating a DROUGHT/FLOOD PREVENTION MECHANISM, leave aside talking about IMPOSING concept of “Minister-On Probation”  and QLY PERFORMANCE AUDIT (QPA) on Highest Chairs of India WHO ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE TO CREATE THOUSANDS OF “masalgaon” VILLAGES ACROSS RURAL INDIA  ever since INDEPENDENCE!!!

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